Please click the following link. Millstone Newsletter May 2016
MVCA October 2015 Newsletter
Please click the following link. Millstone Newsletter October 2015 PDF
Association Dues – 2016
The 2016 Association Dues Invoice have been sent out as of November 12, 2015, and they should be arriving in your mailboxes shorty. Please follow the instructions on the postcard. The postcard is blue, and we have placed a copy of it on the homepage. The following is the contents of that postcard.
Dear Resident / Homeowner,
This correspondence shall serve as your invoice and notification that they 2016 Annual Dues Assessment for your property in the amount of $127.00 is due in full on or before January 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM and will be considered delinquent and subject to interest, costs and further collection action if received after that date and time as prescribed in the Covenants of the Association. No payments will be accepted by Board members. No further notice or invoice will be sent to you. All payments must be mailed to the address listed below. Make all checks payable to Millstone Village Community Association, Inc. All non-confirming checks will be returned. All questions or concerns in reference to this invoice and notification should be directed to or call (260) 222-8609.
If you are a tenant, please forward this bill to the party responsible for paying association dues.
Please staple your payment to this postcard and mail it in an envelope to:
Millstone Village Community Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 323
Roanoke, IN 46783-0323
Sincerely, The Board of the Millstone Village Community Association, Inc.