Attention: There is bread being put in the ponds. While we know it is done with good intention, the bread is not good for the birds and it is also left setting in the pond to degrade.
Millstone Village recently participated in the Great American Clean Up that is hosted in conjunction with the City of Fort Wayne, however this opportunity was abused.
When posted Millstone Village would participate it was said that once the dumpster was full to not add to it and to not leave items outside of the dumpster.
We no longer can participate in such programs if this is how it ends. Volunteers had to remove trash to put into a additional dumpster in order for it to be hauled away safely.
This type of behavior will not be condoned in the future.
Neighborhood Leaf Pick-Up Program 2017
As autumn leaves will soon begin to fall you may be sure the City of Fort Wayne is planning for the annual curbside leaf pick-up for City residents.
The City Street Department will again conduct two cycles of leaf collection in each neighborhood.
Leaf collection will begin on October 30, 2017 in the North area.
Crews will then move to the Central area of the City for the week of November 6th and then to the South area the week of November 13th.
A second round of leaf pick-up will follow – with all collection scheduled to be finished on December 15, 2017.
The week of November 27th will be a catch-up week if needed.
To help make leaf pick-up most effective for your neighborhood, please keep the following in mind:
Have leaves raked to the park strip or curb and ready for pick-up onthe first day of your scheduled weeks.
Please do not rake leaves into the street. This will help avoid having leaves clog storm drain inlets and will help prevent street flooding in the event of heaving rains.
REMEMBER: burning leaves within City limits is a violation of City Code §74.70. The fine is $50 and increases to $75 if not paid within 30 days.
For collection of leaves that have been bagged in biodegradable bags, please call 311.Bags will be picked upwithin two business days after you call.
OCT. 30-NOV. 3 NOV. 6-9 NOV.13-17
NOV. 20-22 DEC. 4-8 DEC. 11-15
The week of November 27th-December 1st, will be a catch-up week. There will be no leaf collection on Friday November 10th due to the Veterans Day holiday.
Weather conditions or the volume of leaves in a particular area may cause the planned schedule to change.You may also contact the Leaf Hotline at 427-2302 or the Citizens Services Center at 311 with questions. For a larger version of this map please visit: pdf2017 leaf map
Map of pick up ~
311 reminder
Anyone can report potholes, trash/debris, lights out or,staying on (each post has a number plate 311 needs), and much more. The have award winning customer service!
311 website ~
The deadline for removal of Christmas lights and decoration has past per the covenants for Millstone Village. While we understand we have had cold weather and high winds, we ask that anyone who still has them visible please remove them as soon as they can please.
Also a friendly reminder per the Fort Wayne City code – trash can and recycling cans are to be stored 10ft from the front of the house, it does not set a good precedent to have trash can and recycling cans visible. We all wish to maintain and increase our home value so please lets keep Millstone Village looking great!
Thank you,
Millstone Village Board
Update: Snow barrels now have salt in them.
With winter in full swing we would like to REMIND our residents that the snow plow company we use does their best, however when vehicles are parked on the streets it hinders their ability.
Please be considerate of your neighbors and the neighborhood by parking your vehicles on your driveway when snowfall is expected. This will allow the plowers to do a better job and also eliminate possible damage to vehicles by any plow.
Also below is a link in regards to the Fort Wayne salt barrel program. When the city was called the board was told the city is still participating in leaf clean up season and that the salt barrels would be filled the week after Christmas unless they expected a significant amount of snowfall before then, in that case they would fill them sooner.
Parents: if your children will be going trick or treating without you please emphasis the importance of safety to your children. Here are some tips to keep children safe in our community.
MOST IMPORTANTLY ~ there have been reports of suspicious vehicles in the area offering rides to children, tell your children it is never acceptable to get in a vehicle with a stranger no matter what.
Law enforcement authorities should be notified immediately of any suspicious or unlawful activity!