The January Millstone Village Association Meeting will be held at the Dupont Library on January 14th @ 7pm.
536 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
The January Millstone Village Association Meeting will be held at the Dupont Library on January 14th @ 7pm.
536 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
The Annual Millstone Village Community Association meeting will be held at the Dupont Library on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 2024 at 6pm until 7pm. Please note the time change of 6pm and limited until 7pm due to the library’s schedule.
Due’s invoices will be mail after the November 12th meeting, the 2025 annual dues will be due by January 1st, 2025.
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
Annual Meeting AGENDA
November 12th, 2024
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer– Vice President, Austin Waikel – Treasurer, Joel Targgart– Secretary
Time Item Officer
6:00-6:05 Welcome Rachael
6:05-6:15 November 2023 Minutes Rachael
September 2024 Minute. Joel
6:15-6:30. September Financials Austin
October Financials Austin
2025 Budget Rachael
6:30 -6:45. Elect of board members / proposed budget / dues increase vote.
(No need for 2025 dues increase)
6:45 – 7:00. Open Discussion/Wrap up
7:00 Adjournment
The annual meeting of the Millstone Village HOA was held at Dupont Library on November 19, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Lee Keefer.
Attendees: Pres, Rachael Caldwell, VP – Lee Keefer, Secretary- Karen Allen and 3 Millstone residents.
The minutes for the Nov, 2022 meeting were read by Rachael. The minutes were approved by Lee And seconded by Karen.
The minutes for the Sept, 2023 meeting were read by Karen. Approved and seconded by Lee and Rachael respectively.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Rachael. Beginning balance of $ 20,478.31 on 9.1.23 ending balance of $ 16,827.21 on 9.29.23. The ending balance was $14.338.15 on 10.31.23. The report was approved and seconded by Lee and Karen.
New Business: Rachael reported that the annual Millstone dues postcards have been printed and mailed. Dues remain the same at $156 per home.
There was a traffic accident where another truck ended up the pond at the Northland entrance. Rachael successfully got us a check from State Farm to cover the damages $3200. The damage to the new rip rap has been repaired by Square D.
The City has agreed to install a guard rail which will be placed between the 2 handicap sidewalks at that entrance.
A ballot was passed out to elect officers for the 2024 Board. There were no nominations for new members. All existing members agreed to accept another term. On the same ballot was a vote to NOT raise our annual dues and they would remain $156 per home. The votes were tallied. Board members re-elected and dues remain for 2024.
It was reported that the edging is rotting on the Medallion Park common area. The original company who installed the edging gave us a quote which seems unreasonable. Rachael is going to obtain a price to fix the edging, adding mulch and possibly install a new sit and spin. We will remove the exposed rebar soon get a lead time for fixing the edging in the Spring.
A discussion began again about rip rap on the Wallen Rd entrance pond. Lee suggested in the Sept meeting that the Wallen Rd ditch problems needs to be resolved first. He will reach out to Pat Jolly. The ditch is in the right of way so it is the City’s responsibility to fix the problem.
Another discussion was addressed about replacing the waterproof box for the Wallen pump. Lee will reach out to Lan Con about an estimate.
A suggestion was made to have a listing and a map of the Spring and Fall Garage Sales. We will try to come up w a plan to get the word out. Karen agreed to look into that.
Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55. Karen seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Secy – Karen Allen
The July Millstone Village Association Meeting will be held at the Dupont Library on July 9th @ 7pm.
536 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
July Meeting Agenda
July 9th , 2024
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Austin Waikel – Treasurer/Secretary
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael
7:05-7:10 May Meeting minutes Austin
7:10-7:15 May/June Financials Austin
7:15-7:20 Old Business
7:20 – 7:30 New business
7:30-7:40 Open Discussion
7:40 Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting to be held will be in September 2024.
MVCA July 2024 Meeting Minutes.
The meeting was held at the DuPont library on July 7th and was called to order by Rachael at 6:58pm.
Attendees: Rachael, Lee Keefer, Austin Waikel, Joel Tarrgart and 3 residents
Rachael read the minutes from the May meeting. Lee made motion to approve and Rachael second..
Austin read the financial report which showed a beginning balance on 5.1.24 of $66,094.95 and a closing balance of $55,933.01 on 5.31.24 and a closing balance of $35,128.65 on 6.28.24. Lee made a motion to approve and Rachael second.
Discussed dues owing, out of 9 liens, 7 remained.
Discussed secretary position being open, as Karen had resigned. Joel had expressed interest, Rachael nominated him to the board, Lee and Austin approved.
Trail near Medallion still flooding when excessive rain, Lee is going to take a look.
Tree near Wallen Road entrance needed trimmed back, Rachael is going to talk to lawn service.
Rachael made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:22, meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Rachael
The May MVCA meeting will be held at the Dupont Library on Tuesday, May 7th @ 7pm.
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
March Meeting Agenda
May 6th , 2024
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Austin Waikel – Treasurer
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael
7:05-7:10 March Financials Austin
7:10-7:15 April Financials Austin
7:15-7:25 Old Business
· Overdue dues/ Liens update
· Maintenance / park & benches
7:25 – 7:30 New business?
7:35-7:45 Open Discussion
7:45 Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting to be held will be in July 2024.
MVCA May 2024 Meeting Minutes.
The meeting was held at the DuPont library on May 7 and was called to order be Lee at 7:00
Attendees: Rachael Caldwell, Lee Keefer, Austin Waikel, Karen Allen and one resident.
Rachael read the minutes from the March meeting. Lee accepted and Karen seconded.
Austin read the financial report which showed a beginning balance on 3-1-24 of $73,640.09 and a closing balance of $71,656.21 on 3-29-24 and a closing balance of $66,094.95 on 4-30-24.
We were then evacuated from the libaray due to tornadoes/siren in the area.
Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:23. Karen seconded.
Meeting adjourned
Karen Allen, Secretary
The March MVCA meeting will be held at the Dupont Library on Tuesday, March 12th @ 7pm.
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
March Meeting Agenda
March 12th, 2024
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael
7:05-7:10 January Financials Karen
7:10-7:15 February Financials Karen
7:15-7:20 Old Business
7:20-7:35 Spring Maintenance
7:35-7:45 Open Discussion
7:45 Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting to be held will be in May 2024.
The bi-monthly meeting of the Millstone Village HOA was held at the Dupont Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:11 on March 12th, 2024 by President Rachael.
Attendees: President, Rachael Caldwell, VP Lee Keefer, Secretary Karen Allen. (Our Treasurer- Jerry Vandeveer passed away on Feb 22, 2024.) Also in attendance was resident- Austin Waikel.
The January meeting was not an official meeting as Rachael and Lee were the only Attendees. There were no meeting minutes recorded.
Rachael read the Treasurer report. Beginning balance on Jan 1st, 2024, of $46,604.86 and ending balance on Jan 31st, 2024, of $71,174.47. The ending balance of $73,840.09 as of February 29th 2024. The influx of money is from payments of 2024 dues paid in January. Rachael made a motion to accept the reports. Lee seconded.
Rachael announced that the Treasurer position was vacant due to the passing of Jerry Vandeveer. Austin who was present stated he would like to take on the position. Lee made a motion to accept his nomination, Karen seconded. It was unanimous approval. Rachael announced she would still like to see more volunteers. If anyone is interested, please come to the next HOA meeting in May or contact the Board at :
Austin suggested that we get a Venmo or Paypal or some other way to pay dues other than by mailing a check. Rachael stated that if there is a fee that the payer would need to pay the fee and had concerns of tracking down what payment goes to what lot. That subject will be discussed further in the May meeting.
11 homeowners had liens filed on their properties in February for 2024 outstanding dues. They have all received late letter notifications from the attorney advising them of more fees possible. 2 paid, 2 requested payoff amounts, 1 claim she paid but no proof. After 90 days (about 3 months) from lien filing a small claims will be filed to receive a judgement. Late fees and costs will keep accumulating every year.
Rachael received bids from contractors for playground updates for needed maintenance. B Square was the lowest bidder. Playground border, maintenance on existing benches, new mulch and 3 new benches were in the bids. The total will be $7262.00 for the playground and $2260.00 to remove sunken concrete from 2 existing benches and reinstall them. B Square also submitted a bid of $450.00 to repair the cracked plexiglass on the Northland entrance sign. They will also install a vent to allow air circulation inside the sign. We will get an estimate to add
3 new benches. One will have a small name tag in memory of Jerry Vandeveer. Lee made a motion to start the approval to allow the equipment to be purchased.
The first Association Garage Sales will be Thursday May 30th thru Sat June 1. Millstone signs will be out at the 2 entrances. Participating residents are encouraged to put out their own signs to direct people to their respective sales. Media ads will also be sent out. Residents are also encouraged to advertise their own sales.
The Fall sale will be September 5 – 7.
Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20. Karen seconded. Meeting adjourned.
The annual Millstone Village HOA meeting will be held on TUESDAY, November 14th, 2023 @ 7pm at the Dupont Library.
If anyone is interested in volunteering for the board please reach out via email to
We will discuss maintenance costs; it has been pre determined that the dues amount will remain the same, at $156.
The Annual meeting of the Millstone Village was held on Nov 14, 2022 at Dupont Library and was called to order by Pres. Rachael Caldwell at 7 pm.
Present: Pres. Rachael Caldwell, VP Lee Keefer, Treas. Jerry Vandeveer and Secy. Karen Allen.
Minutes: Rachael read the minutes for the Nov 9th, 2021 Annual meeting. Jerry Vandeveer made a motion to approve them and Lee Keefer seconded the motion.
Karen then read the minutes for the last regular meeting, which was held Sept 6, 2022. Rachael made a motion to accept and Lee approved.
Jerry Vandeveer read the Treasurers report. It was noted that June Ball (Accountant) has asked for her duties to be taken over. The beginning balance as of August 31, 2022 was $11, 239.54. Sept 30 balance was $4832.45, Oct 31 balance was $8713.34. Lee made a motion to approve the Sept and Oct Treas report, Karen seconded.
Rachael read the police log for Sept and October. There were just 7 calls in total. None of which is unusual or out of the ordinary.
Our current snow plow service is raising rates from $85 to $150 an hour (salting extra) for each occurrence. That company is perfectly fine if we get someone else. Both Lee and Jerry will start looking for new contractors.
Rachael submitted the new 2023 Millstone Budget. The budget shows Income of $59,280 from 380 home owners paying annual HOA dues of $156 each (same as 2022). It was noted that prices can fluctuate. But the way it stands, we will have a surplus of $14,952.00 for 2023. Those monies will possibly be used to pay to dredge the pond next spring. The Board approved the 2023 Budget and also agreed that we can keep the annual dues at $156 per home.
The Board discussed using Rob Aplin CPA firm to process the annual 1120 H Tax form, will look into that.
Rachael submitted a copy of the postcard to be sent for annual dues. We approved and all agreed that she submit to the printing company ASAP. They should be in mailboxes by N0v 30th. Rachael will also send year end 2022 invoices to the 6 Northland businesses who now share in the annual pond maintenance fees. the fees total $1915.42.
The 1 small claims court case for collecting 2022 dues was resolved by setting up a payment plan for the homeowner. To date they have paid 1 payment with 2 more due.
Rachael made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56. Karen seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting will be in January. No definite date has been determined.
Respectfully submitted by Karen Allen
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
September Meeting Agenda
September 5th , 2023
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael
7:05-7:10 July meeting minutes Karen
7:10-7:20 July Financials Jerry
August Financials Jerry
7:20-7:25 Coyote sighting Lee
7:25-7:30 Plant trees Rachael
7:30-7:40 Open Discussion
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting to be held will be the annual meeting on November 14th, 2023 @ 7pm, at the dupont library.
If interested in volunteering for the Millstone Village Board please email us! 🙂
The bi-monthly meeting of the Millstone Village HOA was held September 5th, 2023 at Dupont Public Library, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Rachael.
Attendees: Pres. Rachael Caldwell. VP, Lee Keefer, Treas. Jerry Vandeveer, and 4 Millstone residents.
Motion to start meeting @ 6:59PM by Lee.
The minutes for the July 3rd meeting were read by Rachael. Motion to approve the July minutes was made by Lee and seconded by Jerry.
Jerry read the Treasurers reports. He reported a beginning balance of $25,673.87 as of July 1st, 2023, and an ending balance of $21,197.77 as of July 31st, 2023. He also reported the end balance of $20,478.31 as August 31st, 2023. A motion to approve the treasurer report was made by Rachael and seconded by Lee.
Open Discussion: Welcomed a new homeowner in attendance. Talked briefly about the geese around the pond due to being fed. After reported coyote sighting Rachael will call DNR to see what they recommend. Spoke briefly about planting of new trees; consensus was to plant oaks or maples instead of fruit trees next spring.
Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jerry seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:54pm.
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
July Meeting Agenda
July 3rd , 2023
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael
7:05-7:10 May meeting minutes Karen
7:10-7:20 May Financial’s Jerry
June Financial’s Jerry
7:20-7:30 Trailers and common violations
7:30-7:40 Open Discussion
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting to be held Sept 5th, 2023
The bi-monthly meeting of the Millstone Village HOA was held July 3, 2023 at Dupont Public Library, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Rachael.
Attendees: Pres. Rachael Caldwell. VP, Lee Keefer, Treas. Jerry Vandeveer, Secy, Karen Allen and 5 Millstone residents.
The minutes for the May 15th meeting were read by Secy, Karen Allen. Approved by Lee and seconded by Jerry.
Treas, Jerry Vandeveer read the Treasurers report. He reported a beginning balance of
$52, 778.69 as of May 1st, 2023. Ending balance of $40,110.65 as of May 31st, 2023. He also reported the end balance as of June 30th, 2023 as $25, 673.87. The treasurers reports were approved by Rachael and seconded by Karen.
Old Business: The RipRap project for the Northland Blvd Pond has been completed by B Square. They also dug up a tree stump left when the willow tree was cut down last year and reseeded the grounds as needed. (Sidenote: We think they did an excellent job !!)
Update: The City has made the repairs to the sidewalk by 1016 Oak Bay Run. However, we are still waiting on them to fix what appears to be a water man break at the intersection of Oak Bay Run by Silver Springs. Lee will make another call to the City.
New Business: a Home Owner received a letter, we explaining how the another resident had sent in a complaint about her trailer being parked over the 8 day allotted time.
Another resident asked about a fishing boat being parked in his driveway 3 days at a time off and on. We explained the guidelines say 8 days total.
We had a request to clean up weed at the Fox Orchard Cul de Sac. Rachael will let lawn maintenance company know.
Heartland Sings will once again perform in the Oak Bay Common Area. This years show will be a variety show on Sat Aug 5, beginning at 6 PM. We are still working on getting a food truck but can’t promise. Bring your lawn chairs and/or blanket. Save the date postcards will be sent out.
We had a complaint about a Church Van being parked on Brittany Place. It doesn’t appear like the owner move it very often. There is nothing we can do but Rachael will contact our Police liaison, Kevin Peeper.
Approved by board on Sept. 5th, 2023
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
May Meeting Agenda
May 15th, 2023
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome – Rachael
7:05-7:10 March meeting minutes – Karen
7:10-7:20 March Financial’s – Jerry
April Financial’s – Jerry
7:20-7:30 Rip Rap and maintenance update
7:30-7:40 Architectural Request Form not being used.
Resident dumping water on common ground.
7:40-7:50 Open Discussion
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting to be held July 3rd, 2023 @ 7pm
Opening: The bi-monthly Millstone HOA meeting was held May 15th at Dupont Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Lee Keefer.
Attendees: President, Rachael Caldwell, Vice Pres. Lee Keefer, Treasurer Jerry Vandeveer, and Secretary Karen Allen.
Meeting Minutes: The minutes for the March 13 meeting were read by Karen Allen and approved by Lee, Seconded by Rachael.
Treas, Jerry Vandeveer read the Treasurer’s report. Beginning balance as of March 1st of $61,030.61 and ending balance on March 31st of $59,685.48 and an ending balance on April 28thof $52,778.69. The report was approved by Karen Allen and seconded by Lee Keefer.
Old Business: The sidewalk by 1016 Oak Bay has not been repaired. Rachael will call 311 again to ask for the city to repair.
All 6 islands have been spruced up by B Squared. B Squared also was awarded the contract to rip rap the pond at the Northland entrance. Millstone was not successful in getting help w/ a grant, but the businesses along Northland will help w/ the costs associated w the much-needed rip rap for that pond.
The unruly stumps along Medallion have been removed by the City. Also, the street signs at Polo Run and Northland have been reattached to the pole.
New business: The common areas have been sprayed for weed control.Several residents asked about the very tall grass in the 3 median islands on Northland. Those are owned and maintained by the City. Residents were advised to call 311 to report.
The Board has received several inquiries about changes to home owners property. We appreciate those that have followed the rules and for approval for improvements before inception. However, we have had some who made changes without approval. We are working w/ those homeowners to get plans submitted for approval. We do NOT want to be forced to make owners incur extra expense because of changes that do not follow the Association Covenants.
The Board has signed a contract W/ Heartland Sings to perform again this summer. The date will be August 5th at 6pm. Save the date cards will be sent out.
The July meeting will by held July 3rd at Dupont Library at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join. A motion was made at 7:45 to adjourn the meeting by Karen and seconded by Jerry.
Respectfully submitted, Karen Allen, Secretary
Approved by the board on July 3rd, 2023.
Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
March Meeting Agenda
March 13th, 2023
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer
Time Item Officer
7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael
7:05-7:10 January meeting minutes Karen
7:10-7:20 January Financial’s Jerry
February Financial’s Jerry
7:20-7:25 Update on 2023 dues / Liens Rachael
7:25-7:30 Update on 2022 pond maintenance reimbursement Rachael
7:30-7:40 Rip Rap quotes for 1st pond, grant application(s) Lee/Rachael
7:40-7:45 Fruit trees – fertilized Rachael
7:45-8:00 Open Discussion
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting – May 15th, 2023
Opening: The Bimonthly meeting was held at Dupont Library on March 13th, 2023. Rachael called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.
Attendees: President Rachael Caldwell, V.P. Lee Keefer, Treas. Jerry Vandeveer, and Secy. Karen Allen
Meeting minutes: The minutes for the January meeting were read by Karen Allen. Lee accepted; Jerry seconded.
Treasurers report: Tres. Jerry Vandeveer read the Treasurers report. Beginning balance as of Jan 1st was $37,475.64. Jan Paid out $1,810.52 and income of $24,682.11. Leaving a balance as of Jan 31st of $60,347.23. Feb payout $1,344.62 and income of $2,028.00 leaving a balance of $61,030.61 on Feb 28, 2023.
Rachael made a motion to accept the Treasurer reports and Lee seconded.
Old Business: As of March 3rd – 8 homeowners were delinquent in paying 2023 dues, 8 liens were placed. Any fees association with a lien will be the homeowner’s responsibility.
1016 Oak Bay sidewalk issues were addressed. The city stated will repair in the Spring after the ground thaws.
We have 3 rip rap quotes for the first pond. Rachael applied for the $5000 Grant from the City to help pay for that expense. We obtained three quotes, and the lowest quote was $14,825.00 from B Squared.
We got a $500 minimum quote ($50 each) from Signature Lawn to fertilize the 10 fruit trees that were planted last year, plus any other fruit trees on our Association property will be fertilized.
New business: Several residents have asked about the unruly stumps along Medallion. Those trees were planted by the city and died, leaving unsightly stumps. They should be maintained by the city. Rachael will call to ask that they remove and/or grind the stumps down.
Reminder: The Spring Garage Sale will be Thurs-Sat June 1st –3rd and Fall Garage Sale will be Sept 7th –9th. Banners and signs will be put out as well as plenty of advertising will be sent out. Homeowners are encouraged to put their own individual signs for their sales and pick them up after the sale.
We will call to get the Polo Run and Northland Street signs, reattached to the post.
Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:50. Karen seconded
Minutes submitted by Secy, Karen Allen – Approved by the board on May 15th, 2023
Next meeting to be held May 15th, 2023