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Association Meeting – Monday, May 9th, 2022

Association Meeting – Monday, May 9th, 2022 

The meeting will be held at 7pm at the Dupont Library located at 536 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825.

We apologize for any confusion regarding location and the meetings being held on a Monday. We are working with the availability offered at the Dupont Library due to we can no longer use the church facilities at 1001 W Wallen Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. We appreciate your flexibility.

Millstone Village Community Association, Inc


MAY 9th, 2022


Board Members

Rachael Caldwell, President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary

Time                                                Item                                                                         Officer

7:00-7:05.                                   Welcome                                                                 Rachael

7:05-7:10.                                   March Meeting Minutes                                      Karen

7:10-7:20.                                   March Financials                                                    Jerry

April Financials                                                       Jerry

7:20-7:25                                 March/April Police log                                       Rachael

7:25-7:40.                                   Old Business:

  • Update on past due Association dues/liens placed (5 min)
  • Update on pond maintenance and sharing costs of ponds 1&2 w/ the businesses on Northland Blvd. (5 min)
  • Update on the Neighborhood Approval for 10 new fruit trees and their placement around the neighborhood. (5 min)

7:40-7:45.                                  New business:

  • Dead or falling trees in wood near trail (5 min)
  • Christmas light displays (5 min)

7:45-7:55.                                Open discussion

7:55.                                        Adjournment

Millstone Village Meeting Minutes – May 9th, 2022

Opening: The bi-monthly meeting of the Millstone Village was called to order at 7:03 pm , on May 9th, 2022.

Attendees: Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – VP, Jerry Vandeveer- Treas., Karen Allen – Secretary and June Ball.

Meeting Minutes: Karen Allen read the minutes for the March 7th, 2022 meeting. A motion to accept was made by Lee. Seconded by Jerry.

Jerry read the Treasurers report. He reported March ending balance $63,699.31 and reported April’s ending balance of $59,739.07.

Update on the sharing of Pond Maintenance expenses: After researching the old records, it was determined that the 6 businesses with entrance off Northland Blvd should share in the ponds 1 &2 maintenance. A yearly breakdown was given to each business for 2016 thru 2021 respectively. So far, Phantom Fireworks and Three Rivers FCU have written checks to Millstone for a combined total of $7,430.93. The remaining 4 businesses still owe Millstone a total of $11,590.28. The 6 businesses will each get a bill annually for their share of the pond maintenance. We hope this extra income will help keep Millstone home owner annual Association dues steady as long as possible.

Update on 2022 Association dues: We are down to just 5 home owners who have not paid their annual dues ($156 per home in 2022) of 381 home owners. Thank you for all who have paid! They have until June 13 to avoid small claims court costs.

Update from Kevin Peepers: Fort Wayne Police reported 12 incidents in February and 7 in March. Thankfully, nothing serious or out of the ordinary for a sub-division of 381 homes.

Update on City Improvement Grant of 10 fruit trees: Millstone has been given 5 pear and 5 peach trees. The Board agreed to plant them as follows. 2 on the hill near Oak Bay Park. 2 near the rip rap by the Oak Bay park, 2 by the Wallen Rd pond, 2 near the trail off Medallion, and 2 near the Playground off Polo Run. Once these trees produce fruit, residents are welcome to reap the benefits by picking the fruit.

Response to Home Owner complaints: Christmas lights. The Board discussed the fact the a few home owners keep their Christmas lights up after the holidays. The Covenants do not mention lights. The architectural guidelines mention that they should be removed within 30 days. The Board discussed and determined that it would not be worth the time and resources to pursue any action.

Dead trees near trail – The Board discussed with Brandenberger. They said to leave trees in their natural habitat. We will revisit this in the fall to determine how many trees are a problem.

New Business: The Board discussed repairing the lawn damaged in the car accident at the Northland Blvd entrance. Rachael will discuss with our lawn care company.

Adjournment: Lee made a motion to adjourn at 8:02. Jerry seconded.

Minutes submitted by Karen Allen, Secretary.

Next meeting tentatively scheduled for July 12, 2022 at 7:00

Neighborhood Improvement Grant for fruit trees

Millstone Village was selected as 1 of 38 neighborhood who will be a awarded a Neighborhood Improvement Grant.

Millstone Village will receive reimbursement for planting 10 mature 15 gallon size fruit trees with a mulch bed and fertilizer applied.🌳

We are looking for residents input on where the ten fruit trees should be planted, if you have any recommendation please email your board members at

Also, congratulations to our neighbors at Hearthstone who also received a grant to replace benches.


The public zoning hearing for the Crazy Pinz expansion request will now be on Thursday, February 17th.

The Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a public hearing in Room #35, Garden Level, Citizens Square, 200 East Berry Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana on Thursday February 17, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.


1. Proposal: SU-2022-0006

Applicant: Crazy Pinz Location: 1414 Northland Boulevard

Appeal: A request for a special use for a recreation facility to include a bowling alley, indoor miniature golf, and indoor go-kart track in a NC zoning district.


2. Proposal: DSV-2022-0012

Applicant: Crazy Pinz Location: 1414 Northland Boulevard

Appeal: An appeal for a development standards variance to allow an individual tenant building at 81,000 square feet to allow for an addition to the existing building in a NC zoning district.


FW BZA February 2022 Agenda (1)

Association Meeting – Monday, March 7th, 2022

Millstone Village Community Association, INC. 

March Meeting AGENDA 

March 7th, 2022 


Board Members 

Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary 

Time Item Officer 

7:00-7:05 Welcome                                     Rachael 

7:05-7:10 January Meeting Minutes         Karen 

7:10-7:15 January Financial’s                    Jerry 

                  February Financial’s                 Jerry  

7:15-7:20 Crazy Pinz Expansion update 

7:20-7:30 Neighborhood Improvement Grant 

7:30- 7:35 Police recap of calls for February 

7:34-7:45 Open Discussion 

Meeting Adjourned 

NEXT MEETING Scheduled – MONDAY May 9th, 2022 – 7 PM @ DUPONT LIBRARY

Millstone Village Meeting

March 7th, 2022


The regular meeting of the Millstone Village Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM, on March 7th, 2022 at Dupont Library by Rachael Caldwell.


Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer- Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary.

Meeting Minutes

Karen Allen read the meetings for the January 11th meeting.  A motion was made by Lee to approve the minutes and Jerry seconded.

Treasurer’s Report

Jerry reported a balance of $63,558.54 as of Jan 31, 2022 and a balance of $61,542.50 as of Feb 28, 2022.  A motion was made and accepted to approve the treasurer’s report.

Agenda Items

Rachel and Lee attended both zoning meeting for the Crazy Pinz expansion in January and February. The Crazy Pinz GoCart expansion has been approved by the city.  Crazy Pinz agreed to plant more trees around their border and will repair their existing fence as well as add more fencing on the east side of their property.

Fort Wayne planning has given Millstone Village a grant for ten (10) fruit trees.    We discussed placement.   Fruit trees have to be planted in pairs to thrive.  Possibilities are 2 by the Wallen Rd pond, 2 by the bench near the 2nd Pond by Oak Bay Run, 2 by our property west of Crazy Pinz. The city will give final grant in approx. 2 weeks. The discussion ended there.

Kevin Peepers of the Fort Wayne Police Dept told Rachel there were 12 calls from residents in Feb. None of which were out of the ordinary for a 381-home subdivision.

Lee thinks we need to talk to the current Snow Plow company about some issues residents expressed this year about their job performance.

A resident has requested that we approach 3 homeowners to remove Christmas lights.  Rachael will ask Rob (lawyer) if we can enforce guidelines in that respect.

Millstone is down to just 12 unpaid Association dues.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:39PM.  The meeting was adjourned by Rachael Caldwell.

Minutes submitted by Karen Allen.                                                           Approved by: Board on 5-9-2022

Association Meeting – January 11th , 2022

Millstone Village Community Association, INC.
January Meeting AGENDA
January 11th , 2022
Board Members
Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer/Secretary
Time             Item                                                            Officer
7:00-7:05     Welcome                                                  Rachael

7:05-7:15       November/December Financial         Jerry

7:15-7:20       Open Secretary position                      Rachael

7:20-7:30      Possible visitor, Liaison Officer Kevin Peeper
7:30-7:35      Crazy Pinz Expansion Public Hearing
7:35-7:45       Open Discussion

Meeting Adjourned

NEXT MEETING Scheduled – Monday March 7th, 2022 @ 7:00PM @ Dupont Library

Millstone Village Meeting 

January 11, 2022 


The regular meeting of the Millstone Village Meeting was called to order at 7:05PM, on January 11, 2022 at Dupont Library by Rachael Caldwell. 


Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer- Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary, and 1 resident. 

Treasurer’s Report 

Jerry reported a balance of $12,623.10 as of November 30, 2021 and a balance of $60,698.14 as of December 31, 2021. 

Agenda Items 

Resident Karen Allen had interest in vacant position on board, Karen Allen was nominated to join the board and will be the new secretary. 

Officer Kevin Peepers was present and reported to us the popular crimes in our area for concern may be mail theft and vehicle theft. He recommended to not leave valuables in vehicles. 

Open Discussion 

Discussed expansion of Crazy Pinz. There was a scheduled hearing for January 20th and plans would be online January 14th for public viewing. Crazy Pinz has proposed an expansion of 30,000 sq foot. Board and resident spoke about green space, fence, and water runoff.  

Board also discussed the willow tree located at Northland Blvd, Oak Bay entrance close to pipe and bank. Storms cause damage to the tree leading to debris going into the pond occasionally.  


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm by Rachael Caldwell 

Minutes submitted by: Rachael Caldwell        Approved by:  Board on 3-7-2022


There will be a public hearing regarding the 30,000 sq ft expansion of Crazy Pinz.

The hearing will be THURSDAY, January 20th, 2022 at 5:30PM. It will be held at 200 East Berry Street, in the basement, room 35 aka the City Council Chamber.

This is an opportunity for Millstone Village and others to voice any and all concerns regarding the matter.

“The City of Fort Wayne Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 20, 2022 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Room 35 of Citizens Square, 200 East Berry Street. To seek input on these issues, the Board has asked us to inform you of this public hearing and encourage you to attend. Included on the agenda is the following request.

PROPOSAL: UVAR-2021-0056


REQUEST: An appeal for a use variance to permit an addition for an electric go-kart track in an NC zoning district.

LOCATION: 1414 Northland Boulevard, 800 feet to the east of Lima Road (Section 10 of Washington Township)

PRESENT ZONING: NC/Neighborhood Center

LAND AREA: 9.55 acres

AFTER January 14, 2022 PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS SPECIFIC REQUEST. If you do not have internet access and need copies of the staff reports or final decisions, please contact our office.

If you are unable to attend the hearing but want to be heard, or, if you are planning to attend and wish to submit information for review, please have your comments to us before 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday,

January 19, 2022. This will allow us to have the information ready before the hearing.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please call or email us if you have any questions at

260-449-7607 or”


Non Voluntary 2022 Annual Dues Assessment Final Notice

On November 19th, 2021 a postcard invoice was sent via mail to the address on file with the Allen County Property Records.

1116 oak bay run 2022 dues

On January 4th, 2022 a late letter was send via mail to the address on file with the Allen County Property Records. 

Please pay your annual dues prior to Febuary 5th, 2022 to avoid a lien placed on your property. You may view the final notice by clicking below.

1-Final Notice 2022 (Draft)

Annual Millstone Village Association Meeting – November 9th, 2021

The Millstone Village Annual meeting will be held at 7pm on November 9, 2021 @ the Allen County Public Library,  536 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825

If anyone is interested in joining the board or volunteering please email the board at


Millstone Village Community Association, INC. 

Annual Meeting AGENDA 

November 9th, 2021 


Board Members 

Ann Strebig – President, Ado Kantaevic – Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Rachael Caldwell – Secretary 

Time Item Officer 

7:00-7:05 Welcome   Ann 

7:05-7:15 November 2020 Minutes   Rachael 

                  July 2021 Minutes   Rachael 

7:15-7:25 July, August, Sept., Oct. Treasurer’s Report Jerry 

                   2022 Budget      Jerry  

7:25 – 7:40 Open Discussion 

7:40 Elect of board members / proposed budget / dues increase vote followed by adjournment for residents. 

NEXT MEETING – January 11th, 2022 @ 7:00PM 

7:45 Executive Session (Board Members) 


Millstone Village Meeting 

2020 Annual Meeting Minutes 

November 10th, 2020 


The regular meeting of the Millstone Village Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., on November 10th, 2020, at Wallen Baptist Church by Ann Strebig. 


Ann Strebig – President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Rachael Caldwell – Secretary, and four residents. 

Meeting Minutes 

Reviewed November 2019 and March 2020 meeting minutes. Motion to approve was made and accepted. 

Treasurer’s Report 

Jerry reported a balance of $24,042.04 as of October 31st 2020.  

Went over 2021 budget with an expected income of $57,853.90.  

Motion to approve treasurer report and budget was made and accepted. 

Open Discussion 

Trees, diseased trees, new trees 

Rip Rap of pond 

Pavilion, trash, increase in fishing, vandalism. 

Elect of Board 

Votes counted – Ann Strebig, Ado Kantaeivc, Jerry Vandeeveer, and Rachael Caldwell to remain board members.  


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m.  

Minutes submitted by: Rachael Caldwell        Approved by:  Board 11-9-2021