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Association Meeting – Monday, May 15th, 2023 @ 7pm

Millstone Village Community Association, INC.  

May Meeting Agenda 

May 15th, 2023 


Board Members 

Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer 

Time Item Officer 

7:00-7:05 Welcome – Rachael 

7:05-7:10 March meeting minutes – Karen 

7:10-7:20 March Financial’s – Jerry 

April Financial’s – Jerry  

7:20-7:30 Rip Rap and maintenance update  

7:30-7:40 Architectural Request Form not being used. 

Resident dumping water on common ground. 

7:40-7:50 Open Discussion 

Meeting Adjourned 

  Next meeting to be held July 3rd, 2023 @ 7pm

Opening: The bi-monthly Millstone HOA meeting was held May 15th at Dupont Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Lee Keefer.

Attendees: President, Rachael Caldwell, Vice Pres. Lee Keefer, Treasurer Jerry Vandeveer, and Secretary Karen Allen.

Meeting Minutes: The minutes for the March 13 meeting were read by Karen Allen and approved by Lee, Seconded by Rachael.

Treas, Jerry Vandeveer read the Treasurer’s report. Beginning balance as of March 1st of $61,030.61 and ending balance on March 31st of $59,685.48 and an ending balance on April 28thof $52,778.69. The report was approved by Karen Allen and seconded by Lee Keefer.

Old Business: The sidewalk by 1016 Oak Bay has not been repaired. Rachael will call 311 again to ask for the city to repair.

All 6 islands have been spruced up by B Squared. B Squared also was awarded the contract to rip rap the pond at the Northland entrance. Millstone was not successful in getting help w/ a grant, but the businesses along Northland will help w/ the costs associated w the much-needed rip rap for that pond.

The unruly stumps along Medallion have been removed by the City. Also, the street signs at Polo Run and Northland have been reattached to the pole.

New business: The common areas have been sprayed for weed control.Several residents asked about the very tall grass in the 3 median islands on Northland. Those are owned and maintained by the City. Residents were advised to call 311 to report.

The Board has received several inquiries about changes to home owners property. We appreciate those that have followed the rules and for approval for improvements before inception. However, we have had some who made changes without approval. We are working w/ those homeowners to get plans submitted for approval. We do NOT want to be forced to make owners incur extra expense because of changes that do not follow the Association Covenants.

The Board has signed a contract W/ Heartland Sings to perform again this summer. The date will be August 5th at 6pm. Save the date cards will be sent out.

The July meeting will by held July 3rd at Dupont Library at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join. A motion was made at 7:45 to adjourn the meeting by Karen and seconded by Jerry.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Allen, Secretary 

Approved by the board on July 3rd, 2023.

Association Meeting – Monday, March 13th, 2023 @ 7pm

Millstone Village Community Association, INC.  

March Meeting Agenda 

March 13th, 2023 


Board Members 

Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer 

Time Item Officer 

7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael 

7:05-7:10 January meeting minutes Karen 

7:10-7:20 January Financial’s Jerry 

                   February Financial’s Jerry  

7:20-7:25 Update on 2023 dues / Liens Rachael 

7:25-7:30 Update on 2022 pond maintenance reimbursement Rachael 

7:30-7:40 Rip Rap quotes for 1st pond, grant application(s) Lee/Rachael 

7:40-7:45 Fruit trees – fertilized Rachael 

7:45-8:00 Open Discussion 

Meeting Adjourned 

Next meeting – May 15th, 2023

Opening: The Bimonthly meeting was held at Dupont Library on March 13th, 2023.  Rachael called the meeting to order at 7:01pm. 

Attendees:  President Rachael Caldwell, V.P. Lee Keefer, Treas. Jerry Vandeveer, and Secy. Karen Allen  

Meeting minutes: The minutes for the January meeting were read by Karen Allen. Lee accepted; Jerry seconded. 

Treasurers report: Tres. Jerry Vandeveer read the Treasurers report. Beginning balance as of Jan 1st was $37,475.64. Jan Paid out $1,810.52 and income of $24,682.11. Leaving a balance as of Jan 31st of $60,347.23.  Feb payout $1,344.62 and income of $2,028.00 leaving a balance of $61,030.61 on Feb 28, 2023. 

Rachael made a motion to accept the Treasurer reports and Lee seconded. 

Old Business: As of March 3rd – 8 homeowners were delinquent in paying 2023 dues, 8 liens were placed. Any fees association with a lien will be the homeowner’s responsibility.    

1016 Oak Bay sidewalk issues were addressed.  The city stated will repair in the Spring after the ground thaws.    

We have 3 rip rap quotes for the first pond. Rachael applied for the $5000 Grant from the City to help pay for that expense. We obtained three quotes, and the lowest quote was $14,825.00 from B Squared.  

We got a $500 minimum quote ($50 each) from Signature Lawn to fertilize the 10 fruit trees that were planted last year, plus any other fruit trees on our Association property will be fertilized. 

New business:  Several residents have asked about the unruly stumps along Medallion.  Those trees were planted by the city and died, leaving unsightly stumps. They should be maintained by the city.  Rachael will call to ask that they remove and/or grind the stumps down. 

Reminder: The Spring Garage Sale will be Thurs-Sat June 1st –3rd  and Fall Garage Sale will be Sept 7th –9th. Banners and signs will be put out as well as plenty of advertising will be sent out. Homeowners are encouraged to put their own individual signs for their sales and pick them up after the sale. 

We will call to get the Polo Run and Northland Street signs, reattached to the post. 

Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:50.   Karen seconded 

Minutes submitted by Secy, Karen Allen – Approved by the board on May 15th, 2023

Next meeting to be held May 15th, 2023 


Association Meeting – Monday, January 9th, 2023 @ 7pm

Monday, January 9th, 2023, 7pm @ Dupont Library

Millstone Village Community Association, INC. 

January Meeting AGENDA 

January 9th , 2023 


Board Members 

Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Karen Allen – Secretary, Jerry Vandeveer– Treasurer 

Time Item Officer 

7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael 

7:05-7:15 November Financial Jerry 

                  December Financial Jerry  

7:15-7:25 Update on 2023 dues / discuss final notice Rachael 

7:25-7:30 Update on 2022 pond maintenance reimbursement Rachael 

7:30-7:45 Open Discussion 

Meeting Adjourned 

Next meeting to be held Monday, March 13th, 2023 @ 7PM, DUPONT LIBRARY.

Opening:   The January meeting was held at Dupont Library and called to order on January 9th, 2023 at 7:02 by Rachael. 
Attendees: President, Rachael Caldwell, VP Lee Keefer, Tres. Jerry Vandeveer, and Secy. Karen Allen., no residents in attendance. 
Meeting Minutes: The November 2021 annual meeting minutes were read by Rachael. Lee accepted; Jerry seconded. 
Rachael read the November/December 2022 financial statements, showing a Nov 30, 2022, balance of $4,630.25 and Dec 31, 2022, balance of $37,475.64. Jerry accepted and Lee seconded. 
Rachael reported that as of Jan 9th, 2023 – of 385 homes in Millstone, only 57 have unpaid 2023 annual duesOne final notice letter will be sent from Rob Aplin Law Office as a reminder to those homeowners that extra charges will incur if the dues are not paid on or before the Feb 14th extended deadlineAfter that a lien will be put on the home which will hold the homeowner responsible for all fees until they are paid in full. 
Update on pond maintenance reimbursements from the 6 businesses along Northland Blvd. All but Norle Investments have paid the 2022 pond maintenance reimbursement.. 
A resident emailed expressing concern with the way the sidewalk in front 1016 Oak Bay was left after water main repairs. Rachael will call the city to get a status regarding the repair. 
No other business. 
Adjournment:   Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm.   Karen seconded 
Minutes by Karen Allen, Secretary.  Approved by the board on March 13th, 2023.
Next meeting will be March 13, 2023 at Dupont Library 7:00pm 


The 2023 Annual Dues Postcard/Invoice will be mailed within the next week.

The amount of $156 for the annual dues remains the same, they will not be increased for 2023.

Here is a preview of the Postcard/Invoice – it will be a bright blue color.

Please note the address change – payment should be mailed to 1132 Oak Bay Run, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825

Payment is due by January 1st, 2023


DUES 2023


Annual Millstone Village Association Meeting – Monday, November 14th, 2022

Millstone Village Annual Meeting to be held at 7pm on Monday, November 14th, 2022 at the Dupont Library (536 E Dupont Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46825)

If you have any questions or concerns please email

Millstone Village Community Association, INC. 

Annual Meeting AGENDA 

November 14th, 2022 


Board Members 

Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer– Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary 

Time Item Officer 

7:00-7:05 Welcome Rachael 

7:05-7:20 November 2021 Minutes Rachael 

                   September 2022 Minutes Karen 

                   September/October Police Log Rachael 

7:20-7:40 September Financials Jerry 

                     October Financials Jerry 

                     2023 Budget   Jerry 

                     Pond Reimbursement/Dues invoices Rachael 

7:40 – 7:50 Elect of board members. Proposed budget / dues increase vote. 

7:50– 8:00 Open Discussion 

Millstone Village Meeting 

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes 

November 9th, 2021 


The regular meeting of the Millstone Village Meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m., on November 9th, 2021, at Wallen Baptist Church by Ann Strebig. 


Ann Strebig – President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Rachael Caldwell – Secretary, and three residents. 

Meeting Minutes 

Reviewed November 2020 and July 2021 meeting minutes. Motion to approve was made and accepted. 

Treasurer’s Report 

Jerry reported: a balance of:    

$29,838.93 as of July 31st  

$15,096.65 as of August 31st   

$10,184.74 as of September 30th 

$9,779.51 as of October 31st      

Went over 2021 budget with an expected income of $55,860.00 

Motion to approve treasurer reports and budget was made and accepted. 

Open Discussion 

A resident asked who is the Liaison officer. Spoke of pond and sign damage, insurance and replacement. Spoke about erosion control at Crazy Pinz worksite. Talked about a volunteer committee/tasks. A resident proposed Jerry be president. A resident nominated Lee Keefer to the board. HOA president resigned.  

Elect of Board 

Votes counted – Jerry Vandeveer, Rachael Caldwell to remain board members, Lee Keefer joins the board. 


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:59p.m.  

Minutes submitted by: Rachael Caldwell       Approved: By board on 11/14/2022


Association Meeting – Tuesday September 6th, 2022.

September Millstone Village Association meeting.

September 6th, 2022, 7pm @ Dupont Library

Millstone Village Community Association, Inc


September 6th, 2022


Board Members

Rachael Caldwell, President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary

Time                                                Item                                                                         Officer

7:00-7:05.                                   Welcome                                                                 Rachael

7:05-7:10.                                   July Meeting Minutes                                          Karen

7:10-7:20.                                   July Financials                                                         Jerry

August Financials                                                    Jerry

7:20-7:25.                                June/July/August Police log                                Rachael

7:25-7:40.                                   Old Business:

  • Update on dues paid/small claims. (5 min)
  • Update on pond maintenance and sharing costs of ponds 1&2 w/ the businesses on Northland Blvd. (5 min)
  • August 13th community event. (5 min)

7:40-8:00.                                  New business:

  • Discuss getting snow plow removal bids to compare with current service/pricing. (5 min)
  • Discuss signage, no dumping, no throwing rocks. (5 min)
  • Pond need dredged one day? Rip rap remaining two ponds? (10 min)

8:00-815.                                 Open discussion

8:15.                                        Adjournment

Opening:   The bi-monthly meeting of the Millstone Village was called to order at the Dupont Library on September 6th, 2022 at 7:02 PM by Rachael Caldwell.


Attendees: Pres. Rachael Caldwell, VP, Lee Keefer, Treas, Jerry Vandeveer, Secretary, Karen Allen, Accountant,  June Ball, and a resident of the Hearthstone Village.

Karen Allen read the minutes for the July 13th meeting. Lee accepted the minutes, and Jerry seconded.

Jerry read the Treasurer’s report. He reported an ending balance on July 31, 2022 of $60,637.87, a transfer of funds was made to the Millstone Savings account in the amount of $53,000, the ending balance on August 31,2022 was $11,239.54.

Rachael read the police log for July and August. Nothing out of the ordinary. Residents have expressed concern for speeders and drivers running through the stop sign at Medallion and Fox Run. Police set up a timed observance and gave some residents a warning.

Jerry acknowledged Rachael’s diligence in getting 6 businesses along Northland Blvd to agree to their earlier commitment to help maintain Ponds 1&2 which are at the Lima Rd (Northland Blvd) entrance and along Oak Bay Run. We have recouped 6 years (2016-2021) of pond maintenance cost from all 6 of the businesses for a total of $17,596.57. Going forward the 6 businesses will be assessed 53% of the 2 ponds maintenance costs.

Rachael discussed collecting past due 2022 Association dues.  A September 20 court date was set for 1 claim.

The August 13 social with ice cream and Heartland sings saw a turnout of about 40 people.   State Farm has advised that they will be glad to do it again next year.

A discussion was made about new bids for snow plowing and mowing. 1 bid was turned in for mowing. We are hoping to get several bids.

A discussion was made about possible dredging of the pond. Lee thinks the best time to dredge would be in the winter. We need to get a depth measurement on the first pond closest to Northland Blvd.

Garage sale signs were approved for 2 banners and 5 signs for future Association Garage Sales. Also approved signs for “no throwing rocks”, “danger, keep off” and  “no dumping” signs.

Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:56pm.   Jerry seconded.

The next meeting will be held on MONDAY – Nov 14 at 7:00 PM at the Dupont Public Library.

Meetings submitted by Karen Allen     Approved: By board on 11/14/2022

Heartland Sings w/ Twisted Smoke BBQ and free ice cream!

Millstone Village residents! Please join us to enjoy some music and meeting your neighbors!

On Saturday, August 13th 2022, @ 5pm, Heartland Sings will be performing a “country theme” concert.

Also Twisted Smoke BBQ food truck will be there with food and drink available to purchase.

Lastly State Farm agent, Tyler Mooreland has been so kind to provide free ice cream, you can get a quote if you like but is not necessary.


Save the date


Community Garage Sale – September 8th, 9th, and 10th (weekend after Labor Day)

Combined Homeowner’s Association Garage Sale on September 8th, 9th, and 10th the weekend after Labor Day.


We anticipate holding the sale at the same time as Hearthstone and few other close by neighborhoods.

A Millstone Village board member will put out the community garage sale signs prior to the sale. You may put out your own signs as well. Please remember to pick up your signs after the sale so they do not get discarded. 

Association Meeting – Wednesday July 13th, 2022

Millstone Village Community Association, Inc


July 13th, 2022 , 7pm

Board Members

Rachael Caldwell, President, Lee Keefer – Vice President, Jerry Vandeveer – Treasurer, Karen Allen – Secretary

Time                                                Item                                                                         Officer

7:00-7:05.                                   Welcome                                                                 Rachael

7:05-7:10.                                   May Meeting Minutes                                         Karen

7:10-7:20.                                   May Financials                                                       Jerry

June Financials                                                        Jerry

7:20-7:25.                                May/ June Police log                                           Rachael

7:25-7:35.                                   Old Business:

  • Update on past due Association dues/small claims filed (5 min)
  • Update on pond maintenance and sharing costs of ponds 1&2 w/ the businesses on Northland Blvd. (5 min)

7:35-7:45.                                  New business:

  • Discuss possible ice cream social being offered by Tyler Moreland w/ State farm; week of August 14th. (5 min)
  • Discuss possible concert by Hartland Sings; available dates are July 20th, 21st ,23rd & Aug 10th, 12th, 13th. (5 min)

7:45-7:55.                                Open discussion

7:55.                                        Adjournment

Millstone Village Meeting Minutes – July 13th, 2022

Opening: The bi-monthly meeting of the Millstone Village was called to order at 7:10 pm , on July 13th, 2022.

Attendees: Rachael Caldwell – President, Lee Keefer – VP, Jerry Vandeveer- Treas., Karen Allen – Secretary, June Ball and two residents. 

Meeting Minutes: Rachael Caldwell read the minutes for the May 9th, 2022 meeting. A motion to accept was made by Lee. Seconded by Jerry.

Rachael read the Treasurers report. She reported May ending balance $66,042.00 and reported June ending balance of $65,754.58. A motion was made by Lee, seconded by Jerry.

Rachael read police report provided by Liaison Officer Kevin Peeper for May, they responded to 10 calls for Millstone Village.

Old business: Four homes were filed for small claims for unpaid dues, court date was set for July 20th. Three businesses on Northland Blvd have paid the pond maintenance reimbursement: Phantom Fireworks, Three Rivers and Crazy Pinz respectively. The Fire Dept, Hires, and Norle Investments (Lassus/Wendys) still owe. We have recouped $13,862.46 for 2016-2021 pond maintenance reimbursement and still are owed $5,158.75.

New business: Discussed a free ice cream social provided by Tyler Moreland with State Farm Insurance as well as a Concert by Hartland Sings for August 13th TENTATIVELY.

Open discussion: A resident expressed concern for needed speed bumps, but the streets are city streets. City told us in past speed bumps are not permitted. A resident expressed concern for driveway extension being denied. Let him know he can submit a new request for 4’ extension instead of 6’ that was denied. Talked about first house when come in off Wallen Road where a house fire took place, looks like they are working on it daily to fix it. Talked about several fences in the neighborhood looking disheveled, the board is tasked with locating fences in neighborhood that are in need or repair or removal.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm by Jerry, next meeting tentatively scheduled for September 13th, 2022 if room at library is available that evening.

Community Garage Sale – June 2, 3, and 4 (weekend after Memorial Day)

Combined Homeowner’s Association Garage Sale on June 2, 3, and 4, the weekend after Memorial Day.

The following associations have agreed to participate in the combined garage sale:

Hampton Village

Hampton Village North


Hickory Glen

Hickory Hill

Millstone Village

Redwood Apartment Neighborhoods

Saddle Brook

Stone Creek

A Millstone Village board member will put out the community garage sale signs prior to the sale. You may put out your own signs as well. Please remember to pick up your signs after the sale so they do not get discarded.